Learning Alliance Corporation Finalizes Transition to In-Person Training Model

Tampa, Florida — July 1, 2021 — Learning Alliance Corporation (LAC) announced it has finalized its conversion to full in-person training for its Broadband Digital Installer program. Over the last year and a half, LAC had to alter its delivery model in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time, the structure was based around an eight-week plan which consisted of seven weeks of online training and one week of live in-person, hands-on training. With Florida now lifting its COVID-19 restrictions, LAC decided to reinvent its training program once again to continue to give students the best possible learning experience

Cesar Ruiz, CEO/Owner of LAC described the change, “We’re changing our entire delivery model, from a blended, six-week learning environment, with four weeks online and two weeks at LAC, to a month-long bootcamp where students will be at our facilities 12 hours per day, six days a week for an entire month. The students won’t just graduate as tower technicians, they will be certified 5G technicians, supporting the entire industry. It will give graduates the opportunity to choose the path that aligns best with their personal mission.

”The telecommunications industry is a quickly developing and evolving space, and LAC continues to adapt with it – showing a willingness to pivot as needed to embrace the industry’s needs. One of the individuals that played a major role in the developments of LAC’s new delivery model is LAC’s Director of Training, Derrick Francis. The following is what Derrick had to say about the shift:

“Our new program will be a comprehensive four-week program covering almost everything a person working in the telecommunication field might encounter. Students will spend two weeks on macro sites learning how to safely perform work at height and conduct rescues. They will also learn how to perform maintenance, installation, and decommissioning of cellular and radio tower components. In week three, students will focus on the basics of design and installation of a cabling system that will support multiple systems and various hardware applications for telecom in both the residential and industrial sectors. In the final week, students will learn the fundamentals of how fiber optic systems work. Students will be taught how to set-up, test and maintain fiber optic cables in various settings and environments.

”LAC’s newly redesigned Broadband Digital Installer is specifically designed to get students the hands-on training and certifications they need to get started with a new career in the telecom industry. The multifaceted four-week program prepares the learner for several different job roles such as Tower Technician, Fiber Optic Technician, Structured Cabling Installer, and Telecommunications Technician, according to LAC.

LAC says this new program structure will “empower LAC students to start their future careers in the telecommunications industry as quickly as possible and give them the safety-focused skills they need to be successful in the telecom workplace.”

About Learning Alliance Corporation
Learning Alliance Corporation partners with businesses, colleges, and universities to bring U.S. Veterans and civilians stronger training initiatives that equate to solid career growth. By partnering with employers nationwide, Learning Alliance Corporation has created workshops, labs and simulation programs that align the theoretical concepts into real world application learning. This adaptable approach creates learning solutions based on the community specific goals, industry, staff skill level, and corporate culture. Learning Alliance Corporation provides quality instructors, who are highly trained and specialize in the areas they teach. Learn more at https://www.mylearningalliance.com.

Neil Marr
Learning Alliance Corporation
Tel: 1.813.503.8204
Email: nmarr@mylearningalliance.com

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